Synesthesis - Music Consciousness Lab



Enchancing multisensory perception

"Synesthesia causes excess communication amongst brain maps... Depending on where and how widely in the brain the trait was expressed, it could lead to both synesthesia and to a propensity towards linking seemingly unrelated concepts and ideas- in short, creativity." - Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001

Jamie Ward and University of Sussex revealed, that the brain of new born is cross-modal, and infants experience synesthesia. We all can refresh our learning and creative potential of Infants Synesthesia!Yoga people meditate on sensory awareness to stay present in a moment and report similar to synesthesia experiences.

We are inviting you to guided sessions on cross-modal perception and visualisation of musical texture:

— If you are musician and play an instrument, welcome to piano and chamber music workshop.
— If you are an artist, discover how to paint on music.

Learn to understand music and art in a different way, through cross-modal associations and your sensory responses!

Famous Synesthetes:

William Shakespeare, René Descartes, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Eric Hoffer (list by David Eagleman) David Hockney, Leonard Bernstein, Billy Joel, Franz Liszt, Olivier Messiaen, Marilyn Monroe, Vladimir Nabokov, Vincent Van Gogh (by Edvard Munch, W. A. Mozart, Pythagoras (by